Illuminated Manuscripts: Dictionaries and Linguistic Resources

Dictionaries and Linguistic Resources

Arabic Language

Glossarium Græco-Arabicum. The database Glossarium Graeco-Arabicum makes available the files of a lexical project, intended to open up the lexicon of the medieval Arabic translations from the Greek. It contains about 100,000 Greek-Arabic word pairs, gramatically categorized and contextualized (for the most part, but the work is still in progress). In 2016, various visualizations have been developed to facilitate the access to the large data corpus.

Greek Language

Glossarium Græco-Arabicum. The database Glossarium Graeco-Arabicum makes available the files of a lexical project, intended to open up the lexicon of the medieval Arabic translations from the Greek. It contains about 100,000 Greek-Arabic word pairs, gramatically categorized and contextualized (for the most part, but the work is still in progress). In 2016, various visualizations have been developed to facilitate the access to the large data corpus.

Latin Language

A World of Possibilities (WOPOSS). The SNSF-funded project "A world of possibilities". Modal pathways over an extra-long period of time: the diachrony of modality in the Latin language (WoPoss) aims at reconstructing the evolution of modal meanings from the prehistory of the Latin language up to the 7th century CE. The WoPoss team is working on the linguistic annotation of a selection of modal markers in a diachronic corpus of Latin literary and documentary texts. As annotation progresses, data will be made available during the project lifespan (February 2019–January 2023).

CALLIDUS. Callidus is an interdisciplinary research project that delivers new methods of vocabulary acquisition in Latin. Its main purpose is to show the use of corpus-based methods in real teaching environments. Furthermore the project develops a software which is able to use linguistic research tools for creating corpus-based vocabulary exercises.

Corpus Documentale Latinum Hispaniarum (CODOLHisp) was born as the result of the collaboration between Spanish teams that are carrying out research on Medieval Latin lexicography. These teams have joined their efforts to develop a new platform that provides access to four lexical databases of Medieval Hispanic Latin.

Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources. The DMLBS is a dictionary of Medieval Latin and the first ever to focus on British Medieval Latin.

Digital Library of Late-Antique Latin Texts (DigilibLT) publishes secular prose texts written in Latin in late antiquity (from the second to the seventh century AD). The texts are annotated according to the XML-TEI standards and are offered free of charge to the public for reading and research.

Glossaria Mediaeval Latin Dictionary

Glossaire du latin philosophique, it is composed of about 200,000 handwritten cards that collect the definitions of more than 35,000 concepts related to the philosophical vocabulary of the Middle Ages.

Latin Dictionary

Latinitium, a wide selection of eclectic resources for everyone learning and/or teaching Latin.

Learn Latin Course of Latin Language. They also offer Ancient Greek.

Learn Medieval Latin. This step-by-step beginners’ guide to medieval Latin, created by our experts, will help you gain the necessary skills to read documents from this period.

Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata by Hans H. Orberg, is a Latin course written entirely in the Latin language based on the "inductive-contextual method" of language learning. Resources

Perseus Digital Library

Rescribe's Latin Optical Character Recognition (OCR) provides free software to convert scans of early modern Latin printed text into unicode text and PDF files that can be easily searched, copied, archived, and transformed. The website provides links and instructions for installing the package with graphical user interfaces for Windows, Linux and Mac.

Thesaurus Precum Latinarum. Treasury of Latin Prayers.

The Philological Museum. A library of humanistic texts in Latin. Hosted by The Shakespeare Institute of the Unversity of Birmingham.

Ursus Project. An experimental scholarly digital edition of section "De nomine" (folia 1r-11r) of the "Adbreviatio artis grammaticae" by Ursus from Benevento from codex Casanatensis 1086 (IX century), edited by Paolo Monella within the ALIM Project (2017).

Old Catalan

Corpus Informatitzat del Català Antic (CICA) El Corpus informatitzat del català antic (CICA) és un recurs força desconegut fora de l’àmbit acadèmic especialitzat, però molt útil per a la lingüística històrica. El projecte està dirigit per Joan Torruella (ICREA-UAB), Manuel Pérez Saldanya (UV-IEC) i Josep Martines (UA-IEC). Es tracta d’un corpus de textos escrits en llengua catalana que conté obres des del segle XI fins al segle XVIII.

Diccionari de textos catalans antics. Consultable en xarxa és un projecte compartit de la Universitat de Barcelona i la Fundació Carulla i es de desenvolupa al Centre de Documentació Ramon Llull. Es tracta d'un diccionari de forma-lema, accessible en xarxa mitjançant un programa de consulta que ofereix informació sobre: lema, formes, codis gramaticals i morfològics, freqüència absoluta i contextos d'aparició, és a dir, concordances.

Vocabulari de la llengua catalana medieval de Lluís Faraudo.

Old Galician

Dicionario de dicionarios do galego medieval. Corpus lexicográfico medieval da lingua galega.

Old English

Historical Thesaurus of English is a unique resource charting the development of meaning in the huge and varied vocabulary of English. It consists of almost every recorded word in English from early medieval times to the present day, all arranged into detailed hierarchies of meaning. The Thesaurus is primarily based on the Oxford English Dictionary with additional materials from A Thesaurus of Old English.

Learn some Old English from Textus Roffensis

The Development of the Anglo-Saxon Language and Linguistic Universals

Old French

Portail BFM is a database composed of French texts written between the 9th and the end of the 15th century. The texts are freely accessible via the TXM textometric analysis platform.

Old Spanish

CHARTA se concibe como un proyecto global para la edición y análisis lingüístico de textos archivísticos en español de los siglos XII al XIX.

Cilengua. Investigación en el terreno de los estudios filológicos e históricos, en especial en todo lo que concierne la historia de los textos, la historia del libro, la historia de la lengua, la edición crítica, la lexicografía y otras disciplinas y ciencias históricas y auxiliares.

DiCCA XV Diccionario del castellano del siglo XV en la Corona de Aragón

Vocabulario de Comercio Medieval. La Universidad de Murcia muestra en esta web más de 60.000 registros digitalizados que ofrecen a filólogos e historiadores una fuente importante sobre léxico comercial en la Edad Media. El proyecto tiene como objetivo la elaboración de un Diccionario de comercio Medieval (s. IX-XVI).